Fluid Edge Themes

Vertical Jump Program Phase 1 – V1


Phase 1 of this vertical jump program builds strength, coordination, and joint stability to prepare for advanced training. Includes 3 on-demand workouts to progress and repeat for 4 weeks. Scroll down for more details.

Equipment Needed:

Vertical Jump Program – Phase 1, Phase 1 is designed to prepare your body for future phases of vertical jump improvement. This phase is ideal for athletes starting off-season or individuals who haven’t recently been strength & power training.


It’s common for athletes to dive straight into jump training with exercises like power cleans and explosive depth jumps—often without considering joint preparation or proper lifting progressions. However, Olympic lifts are highly technical and should be approached as a skill that requires consistent training and progression over time. Simply performing reps won’t significantly enhance your power if you don’t advance the movement beyond your starting point.

When it comes to joint preparation, you can’t go from zero to 100—jumping from minimal explosive training to barbell squat jumps because of something you saw on social media can lead to overuse injuries. Phase 1 of this program is specifically designed to address these issues by minimizing the risk of injury and building a strong foundation for advanced lifting and jumping techniques in future phases.


Key focus areas for phase 1 include:

-Compound lift foundation building in prep for absolute strength development
-Olympic lift preparation
-Intent/coordination development
-Tendon strength & knee joint prep to minimize the risk of knee & ankle injuries


Program Focus: Vertical Jump Development

Program Duration: 4-Weeks

Workouts: 3 workouts per week

Workout Duration: ~45 minutes per workout

Level: Intermediate to Advanced

App Access: 4-Weeks

Equipment Needed: **Full Gym Setup** (Sled with a belt harness for backward walks, Barbell, Squat Rack, Leg Press, Lat Pull Machine, Soft Med Ball & Throwing Wall)


Make a one-time purchase to access and track this program through our training app, or get unlimited access with a Workout Library Membership. This is an on-demand program that you can access and complete anytime.

