Fluid Edge Themes

10min Hip Flexor Mobility


“10min Hip Flexor Stretch – Equipment Variation” uses a mobility stick, stability ball, and a pull-up band with an anchor point to improve hip flexor mobility and reduce tightness. Scroll down for more details.

Equipment Needed:

“10min Hip Flexor Stretch – Equipment Variation” offers a focused routine to improve hip flexor mobility and reduce tightness using simple equipment: a mobility stick, stability ball, and a pull-up band with an anchor point for a band-assisted stretch.

This routine allows for deeper, more supported stretches, making it ideal for improving posture, relieving lower back discomfort, and addressing tight or weak hip flexors. Perfect for anyone looking to enhance mobility with targeted, effective movements.


Focus: Hip Flexors

Workout Duration: ~10mins

Workouts: 1

Level: Intermediate

App Access Options:

  • One-Time Purchase: 1-week app access
  • Workout Library Membership: 4-weeks app access


Equipment Needed: Pull-up Band, Mobility Stick/PVC, Stability/Yoga Ball
