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Rogue Trapbar TB-2


Use this bar to get the primary benefits of the deadlift exercise without the same stress on the lower back.  Great for youth, non-competitive weight lifters, and general fitness.

With the TB-2, we’ve completely overhauled the original Rogue Trap Bar with a more versatile dual-handle design, SCH 80 pipe Olympic sleeves, and a 25% reduction in weight.

The TB-2 Trap Bar is manufactured in the USA with US steel and features a durable hexagonal frame welded from 1.5” square steel tubing. Both sets of knurled, parallel handles measure 1.34” in diameter and are spaced 25” on center. During a workout, an athlete can easily switch from one set of handles to the other simply by flipping the bar over. This makes the TB-2 advantageous for strengthening the lockout, overloading on shrugs, and/or limiting shoulder stress during bench presses. It also enables beginners or rehabbing athletes to focus on their range of motion or gradually develop a deadlift program without putting as much pressure on the lower back.
