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Bands & Bells – Back & Shoulder Series V1


Strengthen and define your back and shoulders with 3 simple, 30-minute workouts using only resistance bands and dumbbells. Perfect for intermediates. Access and track your progress through our app. Scroll down to view full description.


Equipment Needed:

Back & Bells – Back & Shoulders Series V1” is a 6-workout series designed to build strength and muscle definition in your back and shoulders. Add some newness to your routine with these straightforward, effective workouts using only resistance bands and dumbbells. Ideal for the intermediate and up.


Focus: Back and shoulder strength and muscle definition

Workout Duration: About 30 minutes per workout

Workouts: 3

Level: Intermediate+

Access Options:

  • One-Time Purchase: 3-week app access
  • Workout Library Membership: 4-weeks app access

Equipment Needed: Resistance bands and dumbbells


Make a one-time purchase to access and track this series through our training app, or get access with our Workout Library Membership.
